We ensure sustained behaviour change and drive increased performance.

1 to 1 Executive Coaching That Makes a Difference

Caroline McKenna, Founder of Lead Self, is dedicated to unlocking your leadership potential by offering dynamic, tailored coaching solutions designed to meet your unique needs and is committed to helping you achieve unparalleled clarity, confront limiting beliefs, and break away from outdated thought patterns. Executive and Mindset coaching solutions from Lead Self are designed to empower business leaders like yourself to flourish and leave a lasting impact.

Caroline’s approach goes beyond – by guiding you in aligning your life purpose and ensuring that every step of your journey is filled with intention and meaning. Embark on this transformative adventure with Caroline McKenna from Lead Self and experience the power of cutting-edge coaching techniques. Together, we will elevate your leadership and life, unlocking a world of boundless possibilities.

These are 1 to 1 coaching sessions completed online via zoom and last for 1 hr and 30 minutes.  The association of Executive Coaching recommend a coaching programme of 6 months (1 session per month for 6 months) to ensure optimum results.  


Experience the transformative benefits for business leaders, including:

  • Achieving long-term, sustainable growth.
  • Cultivating self-trust and resilience in the face of challenges.
  • Gaining crystal-clear clarity and focus.
  • Aligning your actions with your purpose and vision.
  • Uncovering creative solutions to pressing problems.
  • Boosting your confidence to new heights.
  • Fostering inner peace and healthy contentment.
  • Driving impressive business results.
  • Enhancing the quality of your relationships.
  • Evolving from reactive to responsive behaviours.
  • Embracing balance and realising that you truly can have it all!

Coachees are assured the code of ethics set out by the Academy of Executive Coaching (AoEC) is strictly followed and confidentiality is guaranteed.  

We provide an emphasis on self confidence to execute in the process and tools that enable you to succeed.

The Lead Self Impact Across Your Business

Experience the power of unlocking your team’s potential by:

  • Transforming behaviour from reactive to responsive, fostering a calm and cohesive team environment.
  • Reducing stress levels for a more focused and efficient workforce.
  • Encouraging sustainable change by embracing empowering beliefs, positive habits, and proactive behaviours.
  • Stimulating fresh perspectives and sparking creative thinking to tackle challenges.
  • Boosting self-awareness and self-leadership, paving the way for personal and professional growth.
  • Positively adapting to change and overcoming fears, turning uncertainty into opportunity.

Elevate your personal impact on work relationships by:

Harness the power of generational synergy in the workplace by fostering mutual understanding and respect, transcending age barriers to unlock the collective wisdom, creativity, and potential of every team member through insightful coaching.

  • Achieving clarity on your purpose and aligning it seamlessly with your company’s vision.
  • Gaining valuable insights into your personal attitude, behaviours, and leadership style through reflection and self-awareness.
  • Boosting your confidence and self-belief, empowering you to tackle objectives with renewed vigor.

Experience the transformative impact on your business performance by:

  • Fostering action-oriented behaviours to propel your team forward.
  • Boosting productivity and driving the achievement of ambitious goals.
  • Cultivating well-being and resilience, empowering your team to thrive under pressure.
  • Establishing a culture of accountability, fostering ownership and commitment to results.
  • Enhancing strategy development, execution, and delivery for streamlined success.
  • Strengthening your succession planning process, ensuring seamless transitions, and future-proofing your organisation.

Increase your Self Confidence now!

           Book a discovery session today or email: caroline@leadself.co.uk